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I channeled this today for all lightworkers to use so that people opening up to spirit can be helped, not only to learn to visualize but also to focus on something the world and everyone who lives upon it, desperately needs - LOVE. I hope you all find it beneficial.
The Healing Cloud
I want you to visualize yourself sitting amongst a circle of friends, family members, pets, anyone you know who may be battling with an illness or medical condition, on warm, pure white soft sand beneath a star strewn sky. I invite you to mentally call upon your guides and helpers to draw close to you at this time, giving them permission them to enter your auric energy field.
Picture golden roots extending from the soles of your feet deep into mother earth and visualize them wrapping around masses of crystals. This is to allow the crystal energy to flow back up the roots, into you and out through your Crown Chakra where it connects you with the stars, whilst any negative energy from your body can be pushed out by the incoming positive energy, deep down into the earth to be transmuted into positive energy that will not only benefit the earth but, as it travels back up your roots and out through your Crown Chakra, will greatly benefit your own body and the universe.
Next, I want you to visualize a bubble of pure white light encapsulating you to protect you during this meditation.
So now, as you sit relaxed, as part of a circle of your friends and family, your beloved pets and whoever else you want to mentally include, and now that you are connected from below and above, I want you to visualize, at the centre of the circle - our Earth. Although this is but a tiny representation of our beloved planet, it is none the less, powerful.
The warm sand is soft and comfortable, and you notice that each of the happy faces of the people and animals around you is illuminated by the soft blues and greens reflected from our glowing planet and this makes you feel even more relaxed, totally connected with them all and spiritually open to receive.
I want you now to imagine a beautiful pink, fizzing cloud of energy coming softly down from space and gently covering our Earth entirely with love. As you are watching this happen, you hear the fizzing sound change to that of angelic singing, in tones so pure and so clear that it moves you to tears. The choral, angelic voices rise in strength and become so strong and so emotive that you begin to feel the sounds penetrating through every pore of your body, making you tingle from head to toe.
Then, as you are still sitting mesmerised by what you are seeing, hearing and feeling, the pink cloud begins to break apart into several pieces. As you sit and watch, you see a piece of the cloud float gently towards you, making its way towards your heart Chakra. The minute it makes contact with your heart area, it suddenly changes colour, becoming a deep and clear Emerald green as it softly melts within you. Instantaneously, you feel it inside you, expanding your heart, opening up the Chakra fully and filling it with pure love. This begins to tug at your emotions and reawakens the knowledge of having known this love before.
As you inhale deeply to compose yourself, you feel the same powerful force of love travelling onwards throughout your body, correcting any misaligned chakras, repairing any damage and optimising them so that they can continue daily to keep you be in optimum health. Then, with an energetic rush of emotion, you feel the love travelling everywhere throughout your body, washing through every organ, through your skin, your hair, your nails and your bones, through your muscles and your sinews, in fact, through every single part of your body, repairing, upgrading and healing all that needs it.
Now, take another deep, cleansing breath. You are feeling totally chilled out, ready to face a new day, new week, new month and a new year.
As you watch it, the tiny earth slowly sinks into the sand and disappears from sight, triggering its own immense wave of cosmic love energy inside our planet. As with you, the earth’s new energy travels to everything living upon it and within it. Vibrations of love will now continue to penetrate all living things, forcing out darkness from the blackest of hearts and replacing it with the light of love. Bubbles of pure light protection will encapsulate every man, woman, child and animal, serving to help make them invisible when in danger and invincible when threatened with violence.
The power of love will divert bad thoughts away from mankind and serve to refocus troubled minds to only the positive. Vegetation on earth will flourish as disease and pestilence is destroyed through the sheer force of love. Chemical use in all manner of things from agriculture to medicine will change, in favour of pure and natural remedies as love hits the heart and souls of scientists, changing forever their long ingrained beliefs and outdated and dangerous ways of thinking.
Love is the most powerful emotion and now, by way of this meditation, it has been unleashed upon our beautiful Gaia – the spiritual name for Earth, and amen to that.
Now, as you begin to come back to the present, I want you to take a few deep breaths to help bring you back, and then, when you are ready – open your eyes, feeling amazing and truly inspired.
© Ed Newbery-King 2016
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