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I have met so many mediums over the years who have told me they have a Red Indian spirit guide (though the term makes real native American people bristle, as ‘Indian’ is a colonial word founded on a mistaken presumption). Often they like to be called ‘First Nation Americans’ or ‘Indigenous Americans’, which hints at their ancient tribal cultures. If someone has a spirit guide from the Americas (of which there are two North and South) perhaps these questions might help them understand influences that this spirit may have used to guide them in a spiritual life path:
Are you attracted to natural fibres and hand-made items? All materials were provided by the Great Spirits (tribes were not monotheistic) and worked by men and women of the highest status.
Do you feel most comfortable at the coast, mountains, lakes or prairies? This could provide an indication of the area and tribe your spirit guide is from.
Are you a practical person, good at mending and making things? Everyone had a valuable role in society, contributing their talents, abilities and their time to benefit the tribe.
Are you a person who is concerned about conservation and green issues? Native Americans were experts in understanding and appreciating wildlife because they knew their life depended on the buffalo, bees and birds and other creatures. We each depend on others for our survival.
Do you honour antiquities, historical sites and feel a sense of reverence for places of natural beauty? The Native Americans had no sense of ownership of the land.
Do you feel a connection with people who are victimised? Sadly, the British were one of the invaders of the tribal lands and it is thought that Native American spirit guides wish British people to understand and be educated concerning issues of oppression.
Do you feel a strong connection to working as part of a group? This could indicate that you feel you want to connect to a tribe or movement of people who are seeking something special together.
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