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Recently I started meditating regularly. Its a sincere attempt on my part to meditate consciously without any laziness and maintaining constancy of aim and effort.
Meditation greatly helps it can open up many new channels and can give a new pathway. Many intuitive and psychic visions are revealed during meditation. Initially its difficult, so we should start with Trataka meditation, one point gazing of a candle flame, once we have mastered it we can move on and conquer other higher levels of meditations like Dhyan, Vipassana, Theta etc.
Pranic healing meditations by Master Choa Kok Sui are also simply out of this world the Twin Heart Meditation, Dhyan, Arhatic Kundalini Meditation and Meditation on Soul are just wonders given to us.
Today while meditating I saw a white horse with wings. Spiritual experiences can be amazing so I thought of penning down my thoughts. Also I started searching on web about the meaning of this symbol. I came across this wonderful site called some of the description given there I am quoting below.
Lord Vishnu is said to incarnate in ten different avatars. Some of the animals he represented during those avatars are given below
1. Mataya-Avatara: as a fish. It will also be his tenth and last avatara, at the end of the Kali-Yuga.
2. Kurma-Avatara: as a tortoise.
3. Varaha: as a boar.
4. Nara-Sinha: as a man-lion; last animal stage.
5. Vamana: as a dwarf; first step toward the human form.
6. Parasu-Rama: as a hero, but yet an imperfect man.
7. Rama-Chandra: as the hero of Ramayana. Physically a perfect man; his next of kin, friend and ally Hanuman,
the monkey-god. The monkey endowed with speech.
8. Krishna-Avatara: the Son of the Virgin Devaki, one formed by God, or rather by the manifested Deity
Vishnu, who is identical with Adam-Kadmon. Krishna is also called Kaneya, the Son of the Virgin.
9. Gautama Buddha, Siddhartha, or Sakyamuni. (The Buddhists reject this doctrine of their buddha being
an incarnation of Vishnu.)
10.This avatara has not yet occurred. It is expected in the future like the Christian Advent, the idea of
which was undoubtedly copied from the Hindu. When Vishnu appears for the last time he will come as a
"Savior." According to the opinion of some Brahmans he will appear himself under the form of the horse
Kalki. Others maintain that he will be mounting it.This horse is the envelope of the spirit of evil,
and Vishnu will mount it, invisible to all, till he has conquered it for the last time. The Kalki-Avatara,
or the last incarnation, divides Brahmanism into two sects. That of the Vaishnava refuses to recognize the
incarnations of their god Vishnu in animal forms literally. They claim that these must be understood
to be allegorical.
NOTE: "According to the literature at the Mt. Kurama temple, in 770 A.D. a priest named Gantei climbed Mount Kurama, led by a white hors

e. His soul was enlightened with the
realization of Bishamon-ten, the protector of the northern quarter of the Buddhist heaven and the spirit of the sun. Gantei founded the Buddhist temple on Mt. Kurama ... "
Mt. Kurama is where Mikao Usui, the "deliverer" of the healing modality "Reiki" had his revelations that brought this practice into being ... late 1800's/Japan.
When you hear of activity in the constellation Pegasus why should you pay attention.?
Revelation 19:11 says that the change to a new earth is heralded by a sign. "Behold heaven that never happened before. The white horse in the sky in Pegasus.
Around July 1995 Didier Queloz and Michael Mayor, astronomers in Switzerland discovered a sun that was a twin of ours with a planet orbiting it. This had never been seen before.
The scripture in Rev 19:14 says and thousands followed on white horses. In 1995 the Associated Press from Washington reported,
"Hubble has discovered thousands of stars rushing toward a globular cluster. Like bees swarming to their hive. Spectra can tell if they are coming toward us or going away. They
seem to be under the control of one giant central object, they are located in the constellation Pegasus."
As you know. Much more activity has taken place in Pegasus.
1. It fulfills a Biblical prophecy of Jesus coming back on a white horse.
2. Pegasus is a white horse. His father is Poseidon the God of the sea which makes him a white sea horse. He is
sacred to the Muses. The word Muse means meditation. The form of meditation in which the Kundalini energy goes up
the spine in a spiral motion. The Muses lived on Mt Helicon. The word Helicon means spiral. The mother of the
Muses was Mnesoyme. She is the Goddess of Memory.
3. Now the connection. In your brain is an organ called the Hippocampus. The word hippocampus means sea horse.
Stedmans medical dictionary says it is white in color. It is a white sea horse. It is Pegasus within you.
The Hippocampus is reached in meditation through the energy winding up the spine to the Pineal in a spiral
motion. In your brain the Hippocampus is responsible for MEMORY.
This great event will culminate in electro magnetic fields coming to the earth which will impact the Pineal
and Hippocampus of those who are watching (meditating). This will restore your memory of who you really are,
what your purpose here is and where you are going.
One last thing. The words in Revelation say Jesus returns on the white horse. In the center of the Hippocampus of
the Brain is an organ called Ammons Horn. Ammon is an Egyptian Sun God who has another name. It is Amen. In
Revelation 3:14 Jesus is called The Amen. How appropriate. Riding the white horse is Amen. Returning to restore you
to the cosmic truth and remembrance of your true self.
Keep your eyes and ears tuned to the white horse Pegasus.......messenger of GOD.
Signing off for today....will keep you posted with more spiritual updates
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