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We are beginning to comprehend the magical wizardry of the wonderland of our own space.
We shall define what extraterrestrials are in the course and scope of our new 2012 Paradigm Precession Years of the Ascension Age of Aliens, ETs, UFOs, USOs, Angels, God and Goddess of our Myths, Legends and Truths we call History.
CLUES for THE Truthseekers & Lightworkers of the Ascension Age! by TJ
Milky Way Galaxy & Andromeda Galaxy Supreme High Council Oracle shares wisdom.
The Supreme Beings of the Universe which answers to the Most High as the Supreme Excellent Mother and Father Ankh and Amen God & Goddess Powerful Force of what we call Nature’s God chooses the Oracle of Each Planet which carried the Most High Powerful Flame of Truth.
In the 21st Century there is one of the famous females of the ancient
past who serves as a Demi God of the myths and legends of God Zeus who is the most powerful God to serve on planet earth and who sent his brothers Neptune and Hades to capture those who shall use their own freewill as desires of their essence. Humanoid sentient intelligent being species are to learn to reunite with their humanoids sentient intelligent being species of the cosmos. One instrument as the mouthpiece of Mother Goddess and Father God is used to share in the future truth of that which has always been among the ancient ancestors of their species.
We call this those from the heavens came as those of the cosmos of the Omniversal Order of our Empire of all Gods and Goddesses.
One who shares the worlds and galaxies of this universe of which Atlantia was first introduced to this universe. AnkiKathera is known on earth as one Theresa as TJ.
She will follow her Supreme Lord and Elder Brothers extraterrestrial path and way of the truth and light in wisdom, will, and strength of those who came before and will come again.
She is to share her knowledge with those who are the true believers in her time while upon the face of the planet the humanoids refer to as Earth.
Anki Kathera as the Ancient One Keeper of the Flame Oracle aka Tara of Thera - Green Tara, White Tara, Tara as Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris.
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AntiKatheraThe New ATLANTIA
This is the New Atlantis
The world has a paradise that was left over from the mountaintops of the past in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
We shall learn of that which was once swept away due to Mother Earth’s on tidal waves and Tsunamis.
We have grown to love the dry air and have learned about being top dwellers on landmasses.
There are ages of the elders and ancients or the Ancient Elders for those who are into the pomp and circumstance of respecting our elders.
There are many Ancient Mysteries and many are still around us here now on this planet. Some simply say we cannot see the magic that is here.
Some believe that there is another virtual realm of existence in energy that we cannot see. Many who are they who are now called G

host Hunters will do well to learn of the ancient mysteries and the magick therein.
There are wonderful finds and artifacts that are too beheld by those who can find their way in the time portals of those who have come before. There are maps and legacies abound.
We who are now here on earth are in our free spirit and goodwill realm of the RPG or Role Paying Games where we believe we are only acting out the myths and legends of our ancestors.
However, many people have inherited the real life reincarnated memories of those of the past ancient civilizations. Those who have dreams of ancient lands and have an attraction to the world of Mu and Atlantis will do well to learn more about the energy that surrounds their own mystique. It could be that they have a reincarnated spirit that was once a part of the world of MU or Atlantis.
There are a whole set of Arcane dwellers in thoughts that are the futurists of today that work on the cutting edge of all that is. Some say they are the ones that can see into the inner energy of the arcane we call the Akashic Field. This is the place where all worlds come together in one of the largest portals in time that is surrounded and sealed. Only those who know of the proper energy and mindset can enter.
Those of pure of heart and are not blemished in time by killing another being on earth will do well to remember that no one that has killed energy of any kind that dwelt inside another sentient intelligent being can enter this sacred site.
Those who do go do so usually by way of their own inner journey and many first require the education as neophytes in the ancient mysteries of this world.
There are Masters of this Universe who have come to a place on earth in side the world of illusions and learned to tell that which is in reality from that which is virtual reality.
Many of use
Atlantis = Arcane Science and immortality; Island in the Atlantic Ocean (go figure) - Now reincarnated as the True Immortals
Ultima Thule = Magicians, who eventually made contact with Leviathan; Northern Europe, capital geographically equivalent to the Baltic Sea. - The Army of Revelations is trying to find any evidence of their remains.
Lemuria = Necromantic immortals with great power over death and undeath - Indian Ocean - The Thanathos society in the Mystery Codex are rumored to be in some sense descended from the survivors
Mu = Masters of Psychic/seer powers - Huge Island in the Pacific ocean
Fey kingdom Albion is sometimes mentioned as a contemporary (Britain)
Robert E. Howard had Lemuria approximately where Japan is, and stated the mountaintops of the sunken continent of Mu in fact formed it.
Atlantis was between the Americas and Europe.
The Mongoose Conan RPG, however (in an interesting bit of missed continuity) places Mu where Australia is, and Lemuria where Japan is.
Many believe that the first land of the ancients was above the earth and in space. There where they have their many mansions and had many other universes first before coming to this newer one to rule were those who decided to create humans in their own images.
Source: 1927 Map from "Books of the Golden Age" 1927-James Churchward
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