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best-selling, self realization author
Each spring great forces are released to work upon and within us. During this time of the year the possibility of making a brand new beginning in life is never greater. Why is this true? Because spring also “dawns” within us, and if we will align ourselves with the power of its presence, then working for us is the unstoppable principle of rebirth itself. But, if we would receive this new life, with all its promise, then we must be willing to sacrifice within us whatever stands in its way…
• One's fear of seeing himself as being "nothing" in the world does not make him something; nor can this resistance protect him in any meaningful way. To the contrary: The only one who comes to know the lasting contentment of true spiritual fulfillment is that unique person who realizes that the fear of emptiness is itself an empty power.
• When, before our inner eyes, we always have someplace better to be, or that feeling we must make something more of ourselves, we miss seeing two great truths: first, all imagined destinations are dreams whose promised fulfillment fades the nearer we draw to them . . . and secondly, that where and who we are in each moment is a field of possibilities whose riches are not only immediate, but everlasting.
• See the ocean: it does not run after its own waves, as it knows they must return to rest in her depths. And so it is for us: whether we speak of joy, peace, strength, or love itself -- no greater illusion exists than that we should somehow find, searching outside of ourselves, the source of our True Self.
• Being at peace, and learning to live with quiet confidence – even as the world spins wildly around us – begins as we realize within us the presence and power of an interior stillness that neither needs, nor searches for, anything outside of itself in order to quietly know itself.
• We cannot give ourselves peace, security, or love; they are not to be possessed, only participated within. The secret gateway to their life is in their eternal presence that can only be entered into now.
If we will only dare give everything we are to whatever we may be doing at the moment – then, when that relationship reaches its natural end – we will always find we have been given more than we had at the start. It is law: to be filled anew, we must be willing to empty ourselves of ourselves time and time again.
For over 40 years Guy Finley has helped individuals around the world find inner freedom and a deeper, more satisfying way to live. His in-depth and down-to-earth teachings cut straight to the heart of today’s most important personal and social issues –stress, fear, relationships, addiction, meditation, and peace. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and spiritual leaders of all denominations.
Guy is the author of 45 books and video/audio programs including his international bestseller “The Secret of Letting Go” which has been translated into 30 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide.
He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit Center for Spiritual Discovery located in Southern Oregon, with over 40,000 online newsletter subscribers.
Through Life of Learning, Guy has presented over 5,000 unique self-realization seminars to thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 30 years and has been a guest on over 700 television and radio shows, including national appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and NPR. Guy is a faculty member at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York and 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, California. He is a regular expert contributor to Beliefnet, Insight Timer, Simple Habit, and many other popular spiritual sites.
Finley holds regular classes at Life of Learning including two free talks each week that are live-streamed These classes are open to all. For more information about Guy Finley and Life of Learning Foundation visit
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