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Psychic development is something that is available for all of us; it is not a special talent or gift for only an elite few. There is also a natural correlation between our developing physic and intuitive awareness and our spiritual journey or ascension process. Sometimes I feel us humans disassociate with our own journey and with doing the work, we can wish for psychic gifts and can experience feeling outside of or above having to continue with the healing flow of life and the spiral we are all on.
Frequently we can see very un-spiritual people involved in spiritual work, or those individuals who have become filled with ego and power and have forgotten what their talents or gifts are for and how they evolved or where they will continue to evolve to. There isn’t a rule book that suggests that be an intuitive or a psychic you should be heart-aligned, although you would possibly assume they would go hand in hand.
There are many differing aspects to what we call spiritual in life and spiritual in general is a hefty label. After all how can we separate one thing as spiritual and another as not, as to me it seems clear that the whole journey of life, living and breathing is spiritual, aware or not! There is a focus in some areas of the spiritual community or new age movement to bring forward evidence of the afterlife and mediumship has its place as does every aspect of what we call “spiritual” but again it seems that this is yet one other element to get trapped into or attached to. When we visit a psychic are we not giving them over the power to tell us our fate? Where is the liberation in being told what to do? How can we develop and grow in our birthright as natural born healers and psychics if we are not encouraged that we have the ability for ourselves to learn that which we most want or need to hear.
Is the big bucks mediumship industry repeating the similar pitfalls of religion? Are we becoming engrossed in newer labels and reasons to live? How honourable and connected to the truth or love are the guiding models of psychic work? Maybe the growing fame like popularity to become the next big thing on platform and deliver perfect evidence is growing into a fame fuelled circus of money making status and benefiting from the new age empire!? Those that are often the most courageous of teachers, the genuine and aligned souls are behind the scenes or you see them humbly giving credit to not themselves but those they teach, for that is the reason they do as they do, to liberate and inspire!
I am not dismissing the need for all areas of learning and mediumship, in its lavish stage act is one of them, but balance is needed and caution is warranted, for this is a time about stepping forward into our own power, about letting go of those establishments and obsessions with our beliefs and instead finding our bravery in the ever evolving new and the freedom we experience when we are ready to listen to something new and reconsider or revise. For life itself is only every increasing circles of change. We are ascending, let’s not get stuck for too long along the way and perhaps we need to recall the journey is a very quiet personal one that may or may not take us into the public eye but it is inside that we do the work.
Lightworkers and evolved souls have forever held the remembrance of how to connect with oneness, how to bring forward visions and signs from their heart about the future and their lives from the very beginning of our creation. It’s not time to get sidelined so let’s avoid getting ingrained in the soulless pursuit of gaining psychic skills and magic powers for the sake of them. Lets instead watch ourselves grow from our heart with a simple wish to find ourselves again, to regain our heritage which involves functioning on a completely different octave and dimension and with all numbers of alternate and amazing experiences. As you move forward you may see how natural it is to heal yourself and others, for you are a healer! You may be bewildered about how possible it is to read the energy of another and as you ask, “How can I help this person or what can I tell this person, for I don’t know”, you will be answered. Coming from a place of not knowing is like creation being born out of the void! As we open our hearts to the father, creation, oneness, universal source and mother, Gaia, the earth we start the journey back. We can recall other existences and learn to connect with higher vibration beings in differing levels of the earth and possibly outside of the earth. The higher your transcend and deeper you journey through yourself the more you see and feel. It is completely normal. Your reality feels wider like many levels on top of each other. You may visit another life, connect with a deceased loved one, be able to communicate with a tree, see fairies, open your merkaba and third eye, feel others pain more greatly, understand why you are here today, remember your home, astral travel, and be aware of other timelines and many more amazing openings.
You are powerful and wishing to develop is natural as we are always acquiring new skills, but be cautious as I feel the time is now needed to visit your own counsel first, any teacher or helper you seek for your spiritual journey should empower you, enthuse you not do it for you. For then what are you learning? How to be helped or how to help yourself?
We are approaching even more exciting times, if a disaster strikes near you, will you call your spiritual teacher or psychic and ask what you should do or will you have developed the skills to ask your own intuition? Be cautious at this time for there are many souls who are in heavy ego or who have not been aligned with their heart space, your intuition will normally guide you to this at some stage. We are all with ego, unless you are ascended, angelic or animal, many of us are all doing our best as students and teachers, teachers and students and awareness of one’s own self and referring to one’s own counsel is essential right now!
Spiritual and Metaphsical Teacher, Hanna Ehlers runs regular courses for ligtworkers and is passionate about helping others to empower themselves as they remember their own gifts to further assist themselves in their ascension and spiritual development. The next course is located below should you resonate with her energy or you may wish to read more of her spiritual articles at Namaste!
Psychic and Healing Intensive Weekend Course Saturday 24th & 25th April 10 - 4.30pm - Fees £120
This course is open to both beginners and healers / psychics alike, it is an intensive journey taught from a high frequency perspective and encompasses a spiritual and logical look at the world and our developing abilities as the new earth global population! This course assists lightworkers with reaching higher and empowering themselves to be their own guru!
This course is run over an entire weekend in a small group. From 10am until 4.30pm each day. At the end of the weekend workshop you will receive a certificate which recognizes you as a "Psychic Healing Practitioner" and you will be given the opportunity to have your practitioner listing on the website and will be able to join the community of other Psychic and Healing Practitioners on the forum!
You will explore the world of spirituality and learn to understand what we mean by the word psychic. Delving into the parts of us we can't necessarily see, you will learn about your connection to the universe and how divine energy can enrich and heal your life. Whether you just want to learn more about the spiritual world and your ascension process, practice with a view to setting up your own business or enrich what you already practice, this course caters for both aspects providing you with an array of tools.
Many topics will be discussed such as, past lives, energy management, auras, chakras and how illness forms, angels, guides, higher self, the ego, soul contracts, ET's, brainwaves and more.
Exercises include:
Understanding the chakra body mirror system
Aura reading
White light healing
Chakra psychic healing
Psychic surgery
Remote viewing via cord cutting, understanding distant healing
Card reading
Past life meditation
Visualisation meditations
and more depending on group energies / my guidance
The course will involve guided meditations and exercises in pairs and as a group, incorporating giving readings, healings and working on personal development.There are opportunities to continue working on the skills you have learned after the weekend workshop, with students that have already completed the course.
Some snacks and refreshments will be provided for a short lunch break but please bring a packed lunch
Fees are £120 (deposit required on booking)
For booking contact Hanna: 07703022129 /
[email protected]
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