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By:Terry Edwards
Date: Mon,22 Nov 2021
Submitter:Mark Chatterton

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The term orb is so widely used, it is impossible to narrow it down to a single phenomenon. I am concerned here with spheres of light. In this context, spheres connect to the ways in which consciousness creates and inhabits a virtual reality holographic simulation. I remember seeing a video of an alien flying saucer landing or hovering above the ground. It showed a glowing orb descending and transforming into a grey alien when it reached the surface. Two or three more aliens followed it. I cannot say that the video was genuine but it is the kind of thing I would expect to see in this situation.

The ancient Greeks believed that the sky was composed of crystalline spheres with the stars on its surface. We are supposedly much wiser now but that does not mean our version of reality is any more valid than the Greeks’. Many scientists are saying that we could be living in a virtual reality simulation[1]. If we are, then the night sky is not painted on a crystal sphere, it is a holographic projection. That puts us and our world at the centre of this version. People like Professor Brian Cox and Elon Musk are going along with this idea. My suggestion here is that biological entities like us evolve on planets to become spheres of electrical plasma energy. As orbs, we would be able to migrate between star systems and galaxies and across time. Such UFOs would be different from solid flying objects such as those filmed by US Navy pilots with their infrared gun cameras. If you want a precedence for this idea, you can find it in Taoist and Hindu Alchemy and Jewish Merkabah mysticism. The problem for humanity now is that most of us are stuck in materialism. Spirituality is not some airy-fairy flight of fancy; it is a process whereby a human being can integrate with the consciousness of the universe.

Here is an example of a fleet of orbs:

Spiritual entities as orbs

Another kind of orb is a tiny globe of light that appears in photographs, basically white but often tinted by a faint shade of colour such as green, blue or purple. When I was in my early teens, my father handed me a book about astral projection. He directed me to a page that gave his name and described an experience he had once had as a young man. He had left his body and travelled outside it. I cannot recall the specific details. At the time, he had no idea what it was all about. A while later, he was in Brentwood library and saw a ball of silver light appear. It hovered in the air and travelled along a shelf of books, stopping by one particular volume before it vanished. My father went to the shelf and took down the book. It fell open on a page that described his own experience. This happened in the 1940s shortly before I was born. It was the beginning of a great change in his life. Later, he responded to an advertisement by a psychic researcher looking for people who had experienced astral projection. That lead to the inclusion of the article he showed me. These orbs represent the presence of discarnate spirit beings who project an aspect of themselves into the material dimension. They sometimes show up on infrared camera images.

Fractal orbs

One particular type of orb is a mathematical geometric structure called a fractal. A fractal is a self-repeating pattern based on a simple mathematical algorithm. You can find videos online that show how you can delve for every into fractal patterns, a journey into depths without end. The basic shape on the outside of the image recurs as you go deeper inside. In this sense, a fractal is a window on an infinite dimension. We all have such a pattern in what we call the aura. It defines the outline of our physical bodies and projects this form into space and time as cells and atoms, etc. The layer of being where fractal patterns manifest is what I refer to as the magnetic, analogue wave dimension that runs parallel to our electric, quantum digital state. As infinite being, we construct our bodies and this entire universe from sensory feelings translated from electrical nerve signals into sensory essence. We do this from the output of the game simulation as quantum digital information. To understand this, look at how virtual reality computer games work. You have a player (infinite being) operating a character called an ‘avatar’ (analogue being) created in the computer processor (quantum digital state). The universe you experience does not exist; it is not real. What is real is your perception of it. You create your life’s experience through the medium of your fractal orb. Your purpose is to understand oneness or love by going through separation and individuality disguised as a human being.

Here is a video that explains the nature of one of the most important fractal sets:

This video takes you on a journey inside the Mandelbrot fractal, which I believe to be one of the most important mathematical objects in the universe:

Matter over mind

Essentially, the universe is composed of concepts or ‘particular’ ideas. A particle of matter such as an atom is a ‘particular’ concept. In their most basic form these concepts are whole numbers or integers. There are also ratios and indices such as Pi (p) that are not whole numbers but they are not entities. All concepts are defined by or embody all other concepts. Take the example of the water molecule that is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen (H2O). If we represent water conceptually as a sphere, then that sphere contains three other spheres, two of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Each of these contains spheres representing subatomic components, etc. Externally, the water molecule concept exists within a sphere that represents a body of water, a stream, a river an ocean. Outside that is the sphere of all water on the planet and, ultimately, the totality of water in the universe. Applying this idea to your physical form in the moment of time, you are a conceptual sphere. Within that sphere you contain billions of lesser spheres representing complex structures such as cells. Your form in the moment changes constantly as your body loses material through wastage and gains it as digested food. This is an example of an orb that contains or defines a living entity – in this case yourself. This idea illustrates the role of thought in the construction of the universe. I do not refer here to thoughts in your mind but you as a thought in universal consciousness.

My first insight into the nature of the universe showed me fractal spheres that were much less ornate than these but they give you the idea:

Your invisible shell or aura

All living entities, animals, plants, human beings, project into space and time as a pattern based on a template, a kind of architectural blueprint. That structure is composed of cells of energy. As I have shown, those cells contain the components that define you as information. Larger patterns contain you. There are many of these: the world, your local environment and even those systems that contain you such as your genetic lineage (family), cultural society and national identity. There is always a single sphere that represents you as an individual. This is your connection with the universe. There is one sphere that connects you with the entire field of space and time. If you could evolve sufficiently in the spiritual sense, you could separate your inner being from the outer reflection (the world) and become a universe in your own right. This is what we created the virtual reality game to do but somewhere along the road we lost the plot and ‘fell’ into a materialistic state of being. Jesus ‘the Anointed’ showed us a way to escape this trap. His story ended with the raising of the physical body back to the fractal-wave state (a body of light). His message got lost in the dogma of organised religion and deification as a god. The Roman Empire hijacked the Christian movement and created the Church in its own image. The Church politicised the message, nullified the sacrifice and in doing so, negated the status and dignity of women. I speak not of individuals in the Church, many of whom are idealistic and well-motivated; I am referring to the nature of the system and its temporal power.

The centres of consciousness shown here are points linking you to a dimension of wave energies in a parallel analogue universe. This is the layer of existence that arranges the details of your physical form and translates the output of your five senses as infinite essence for your highest level of being to experience.

The spheres that define and contain us are multidimensional. I have not described how they create a structure for our bodies in the quantum foam of ‘physical’ space. All we need to know is that the virtual reality game was intended to enable us to evolve into a superior form of life. The chakras in figure 2 are our interface with subtle themed elements of the cosmic game: physicality, sexuality, emotion, heart-based feeling, communication, active intelligence and spirituality. The only way we can achieve the objective of the game is to lead lives of integrity, truth and impersonal, unconditional love. Because of ‘the fall’ from grace, that is very hard to achieve. The systems we have created to control our lives so very few (as far as we know) have achieved the final state of enlightenment that should be possible.

Up where we belong

We should be able to go through life as the pattern shown in figure 2 and, finally, integrate the seven elements back into one being as shown in figure 3. So life is intended to start out on planets like the earth and evolve into space-borne creatures in that look like figure 3. These orbs are living entities based on electrical plasma states of consciousness. Unlike us, they can move freely through time and space and other dimensions. They are clearly not the same as physical spacecraft. The way we live on earth has prevented us from evolving in the manner nature intended.

Here is a famous video taken from one of the space shuttle missions showing orbs arriving to inspect a satellite tether that broke free.

If you must worship something, let it include you. Anything else is an act of separation from oneness.
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