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It is not easy to explain my life as an angel channeler. Suffice it to say that it has been an extraordinary one in every sense of the word!
From the very beginning I have been entrusted with a great deal of information about angels, spirit realms and the Universe. My knowledge of angel channeling has become so advanced that it has enabled me to see life from a completely different perspective and with much greater clarity.
When Archangel Michael first made himself known to me I was asked not to research any of the material I was going to write about as my angels wanted me to learn directly from them. I have honored Michael's request and I have channeled the entire content of my websites from my angels to ensure its accuracy.
Since my first encounter with Archangel Michael I have been given a never ending list of topics that my guardian angels wish me to write about. Subsequently a great deal of my time is spent channeling information from Archangels Ária, Kam, Vincent, Michael, Gabriel and Xètán Angel Zé for my websites and other metaphysical projects. Whenever I write about angels, spirit realms and the Universe it dawns on me that our knowledge of these subjects is barely in its infancy and how much we still have to learn. My guardian angels tell me that there will be a time in the not too distant future when we will have a better understanding of life, its origins and the future of Mankind.
I was told several years ago by Archangel Vincent and Archangel Kam that they wanted me to teach metaphysical subjects to people who have an interest in them and also to guide those who need help developing their angel channeling abilities. They have also encouraged me to teach the truth about angels and their origins which is a subject they are very eager for the people of this planet to understand because most of the information written about them is completely inaccurate.
I am very thankful to Archangel Vincent, Archangel Michael, Archangel Kam and Archangel Daniel for showing me images of angels, animals, paranormal phenomena, past lives, space, spirits and life around the Universe. They have also shown me actual 'movie clips' of life on other planets and the people who inhabit them which has been an amazing experience.
The reality of my 'metaphysical' life is that it is filled with unexpected and unimaginable experiences that are often difficult to describe! There is not a day that goes by when I do not hear from my angels in some form or another. Sometimes I even hear them talking amongst themselves which can be very entertaining because they have a wonderful sense of humor! My angels share my sorrow when I am sad, my anxiety when life gets tough and my joy when life is great.
Through my angel channeling work I have met some of the most wonderful people from all walks of life who have made me realize just how significant my angel connection has become. I love working with angels and helping people through readings which I consider to be a privilege.
Cynthia A. Silk
Angel Channeler
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