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Finding the light within:
A story about transferring from a guided meditation to the open focus meditation and where it has taken me now, two years down the line.
I've always done guided meditations. This used to take people into a place of more refined densities. Three years ago, I decided to take a step further after reading Joe's book about open focus meditation, so I started doing this type of meditation, it took me a long time to get to the point where I could be in the void and feel nothing and not think about anything, but I did it in the end.
Once I've done it, I realise that there is nothing in the void, it seemed empty and dull, and I wondered why I was doing this. In the book I was reading by Joe Dispensa it said I can create things, but I had no idea how to do that and I didn't know how to go about learning it.
In the book it said I must focus on what I want and give it the feelings as if I already have it, even that was arduous to really recognise what that meant in the reality of my life.
So, I just sat in the void and kept doing it and realised it was a beautiful place to be in because I felt the connection to the energy of everything.
I carried on doing that. I still couldn't find a way of positively creating things, except every time I went in, I connected with my brain/heart coherence, my open-heart love energy and visualised the world, myself, and the people around me getting through their problems, ‘there's been a lot of problems.
I did that for ages thinking it just doesn't work, I kind of almost lost sight of it but still carrying on with it, mainly because it gave me a wonderful feeling of lightness and happiness and contentment, and I grasped that this contentment, lightness and happiness within was what it was all about.
So, I carried on with that, using it for doing healing on myself and on the world and people around me and my loved ones, wondering whether it was correct, wondering if it was working, just knowing that it made me feel better, it didn't seem to affect anything on the outside. Now, another year goes by and everyone in the family is beginning to get sorted out. Some of them become very ill and some won’t recover
I am still doing the healing on them to ease them through their problems. Although it hasn't been direct, there has been a subtle change in the energy of the grandchildren and the people in my family, and me, I am grateful and I know the light is there.
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