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So here I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A little jet lagged, but otherwise enjoying my second visit to this big and energetic city in Latin America. It was a warm and sunny Fall day when I arrived, and the weather has been just perfect for spending time in the streets and shops of the city itself. We are staying right in the center, close to the shopping areas in Florida, and I am getting used to the noisy "hum" of a big city again.
Well, when I arrived, there was an almost immediate "connection" within me with the rising energies and the rising excitement in the American continents. This was noticeable for me, because the energy in Africa is somewhat subdued right now, compared to the rising excitment here. Well, I was interested to find out what it was all about here in Latin America. So, the first evening we went to have dinner with a friend, Karina who owns the "Mandala Center" where we are going to be doing our "Masters of Light" event in Buenos Aires in May. We spent some time in her sacred space just talking, and then I picked up a drum and started drumming. And on the beat of the drums suddenly the room was filled with "presence" and messengers from the Spirit world.
The great excitement was over two specific energies and events. Firstly, the new Masculine energy is rising in this continent, and the Shamans of the continent are feeling this new energy. As we prepare for Easter and Wesak as Sacred Ceremonies in our year, the Divine Masculine or Christed Male energy is risng within people all over the Planet. This is a wonderful victory for the Divine Masculine energy, as it once again emerges as a force of Light within the Human Collective and in people's Hearts and Minds. This energy will intensify, along with the Divine Feminine, as we move through Easter and Wesak in the next two months.
But then also, there is another event that is creating a real "buzz" in the Spirit realms here in Latin America. This is the "Gathering of the Ancestors" that is taking place in Arizona, USA in the later part of April. What I saw as I was drumming was a powerful Earth "kundalini" energy moving up the new "spinal" grids of the Andes Mountains, a powerful Earth Dragon energy that is awakening the Earth itself. A similar energy is moving down the Rocky Mountains in North America, and the two "currents" of energy are meeting in Central America, in the Maya lands of Guatamala and Honduras. This is creating a powerful Dragon or Serpent dance, all the way along the mountainous "spine" of the Americas, and a powerful vortex of Light where the two energies converge.
This energy will be the energy that underpins the "Gathering of the Ancestors" in Arizona, and it is also symbolized by the Eagle and the Condor flying together to bring Peace and Abundance to the Americas, and to the New Earth.
At the time of the Gathering, those who will be working with the Earth Elders and Teachers of the Indigenous traditions to create the "dreams" for the New Earth, will be working with this powerful and newly awakened Serpent/Dragon energy of the New Earth.
And indeed, the Spirit world is rejoicing. There is a tangible excitement as they prepare to assist the Humans from around the Planet who will be singing, dancing, drumming and dreaming for the New Earth in Arizona. And the energy is streaming up and down the Andes and Rocky Mountains in an electrifying "dance" that is shifting the Earth to ever higher levels of Conscious Awareness.
I wish I could be there too, but we will all be where we need to be at the right time. For me, at the time of the Arizona Gathering, I will be In Sao Paulo in Brazil and I will be doing a Starchild Gathering at which we will also be doing a Shamanic Dream Journey for the New Earth, and we will join with this rising energy. It will be our task to anchor this energy in Brazil as part of the Ceremonies and Celebrations. And, wherever you are on the Planet, you can also connect with the rising Earth energies and this powerful time for our Earth.
So, I will be leaving Buenos Aires today, for Puerto Iguazu and the tropical Amazonian forests. So, the next log will be coming from Iguazu Falls, the most powerful water vortex on the Planet, where we will be doing a Gathering of Lightworkers to work with the Sacred Easter energy of what they call "Semana Santa" here, or "Holy Week". I am so looking forward to being once again in this beautiful place of the "Paradise Codes" and sharing the energy with old and new friends in Foz de Iguacu. Also, we are opening a Project for our Children's Foundation in Brazil, and we will be visiting a home for Children with HIV/aids in Foz at some time in the week. So, please, if you would like to, journey with us into the Paradise Country of South America!
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