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A light resides within, a light which can heal, move you and fill you with joy. That light can be reflected outside you, will you allow it? No-one can offer you what you don't already hold inside, no other can take from you what you already hold inside. Are you ready to be your own commander or will you risk in choosing another to manage your light quota and the scales of your soul?
More and more of late, I am frequently reminded that there seems to be a misconception about ascension. There is a moment during awakening when a large amount of lightworkers feel they are heading toward something yet they can't quite grasp what is afoot. There are times during this stage where we sense there may be some magical door waiting for us, or that we will be offered a secret pill like that of Neo in the matrix, however this phase, I feel, is a natural response to a seemingly endless tunnel that we find ourselves walking through at that time. When we become light and have cracked through the majority of our old self and mundane life in the matrix we realise, there was no magical door or secret pill, we were simply Alice, falling through the rabbit hole and we meet other Alice's that have journeyed after the rabbit and walked the yellow brick road like Dorothy. No one is going to save us. We are saving ourselves.
I began with this insight because I feel this has something strongly to do with the growing number of people who feel or think that we are heading toward a future that involves being rescued by ET's and our brothers of light. I think it is important to indicate here that the law of free will suggests that it would not be possible for aliens to literally rescue us from our third dimensional confines. Although there have been slight discrepancies in terms of free will interference from a number of species/beings/ET's, largely from the New World Order, these acts are from what we would deem a darker energy and have likely occurred huge karmic effects. In terms of intergalactic lightworkers / family of light beings, it appears from both my channellings and most other genuine channelers out there, that positive alien helpers will not enforce anything upon the human race and the help that is offered from these sources is generally in the form of information which is laid out if we so choose to take it. Even then the information comes with a message that we must search our own hearts to gage whether it feels correct, for the family of light have no interest or gain in terms of whether we heed their messages. It must always be our own personal choice. There is however an interesting message being cast around, this message concerning our readiness in willing to be rescued, I feel, has much more deception behind it than we are able to see right now. There are channlers giving messages from the Galactic Federation, stating that we are too be picked up!?
In my soul memories of channeling information for the Galactic Federation in Atlantis and Egypt, I remember and feel to this day always a loving, non-intrusive approach to assisting earth humanity that was very much behind the scenes and for the good of the earth mother. I do believe we can receive information for ourselves and a great number of positive channels do so. However I feel it is important to be aware that we may only seek guidance and guidance about how to develop ourselves and how to move through our very own, and personal ascension, this is the information we will likely receive. I do not suggest that we will not see alien life form. I feel in fact that this is most likely to happen and no doubt soon. Although caution, discernment and heart wisdom is required for us to decipher who are the light family and who are the dark players clothed in white. There are many games that are being played out, large twists and turns have not even begun as yet in the external realities. In order for us to move forward it is my personal truth that suggests we need to continue “doing the work” and by this I relate to healing our bodies, mind, and soul.
In terms of continuing to ascend in balance we must heal our childhoods, release outdated patterns, heal our family lines, our soul fragments, past lives, or other soul selves, our ego, our light and dark sides and purify our vessels so we can continue to reach higher frequencies with Gaia and our families of light. This to me is not an easy feat but it is suggested in my heart that it is the only aspect necessary to return to our cosmic heritage. For we won't be saved by aliens, and if we are I would certainly ask which type of alien life would seek to break your free will in this way?
I only offer my truth if it suits the wisdom of your heart so be it. In love, light and joy to you, ascended soul!
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