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The perspective from unity consciousness demonstrates these two basic truths:
1) The essence of the human being is pure, benevolent, loving and virtuous. All expressions from unity consciousness are devoid of any negative or evil intention, ill will or fear. The source of such impressions are direct from a universal wellspring and are unaffected by the trappings of the human mind.
2) That which is expressed from the state of unity is naturally cooperative and harmonious with all of creation, including all human beings. Since the nature of such pure expression is from the great Oneness, its very nature is that which is of benefit to all. The expression belongs to the whole.
The individual aware of and expressing from unity consciousness is one who is self-realized and self-governed. There is the continual inhale and exhale of life -- an inhale of the immediate environment, a processing it through the Infinite, and an exhale of a response. Such is the "breathing rhythm" of the individual with respect to the universe. The key to a pure response is in the processing through the Infinite Source rather than only the limited human mind.
On a collective or planetary level, harmony and peace are manifested when its participants express from unity consciousness. When the consciousness of separation is the source of expression, the result can be that of disharmony, conflict and chaos. As a result of such disharmony, governments and laws are created as an attempt to bring an entity -- individual or collective -- back into balance.
Unfortunately, the proliferation of governments and laws do not effectively bring divine order to a society. Regardless of the form of government or number of laws, as long as the source is that of a consciousness of separation, the conflicts will continue to exist. There may be peace treaties, effective prisons and strong law enforcement -- all of which would be largely, if not totally, unnecessary with a collective expression of unity consciousness.
While some governments openly express their desire to honor the collective will, such a will is often imposed pursuant to a majority vote rather than the divine collective will. Those of separation consciousness are unaware that a collective will is contained within the people, rather than as a "majority rules" principle.
Nature offers examples of how a society at large can function in harmony through a unified consciousness. A colony of bees can consist of thousands of bees, each with a unique purpose, working together to ensure the survival and propagation of the species. The bees are not governed by a strong external force; instead it is their own nature that works in harmony with the other bees. Rather than each bee fending for itself, the bee's needs are met as it naturally goes about fulfilling its purpose. Just as in humans, they take in their environment, process the information through a Higher Intelligence, and respond accordingly. The result is harmony, as sweet as honey!
From a perspective of separation, man has created vast governments to rule the land. Instead of relying on natural collective governance through Divine Will, the power of such has been willfully handed over to political leaders to create and enforce law. The more humans are willing to express unity consciousness, the less is the need for reliance on governments. Conversely, the more humans express from separation, the more reliance is placed on governments and other external agencies.
With separation consciousness arises a host of negative forces such as greed, anger, fear, anxiety, rage and contempt -- and their subsequent actions. Expression of such forces creates disharmony between and among individuals, regions, cultures and countries. Governmental forces step up to manage the disharmony in ways they deem most effective. However, the only lasting method of "management" is a change or expansion of consciousness from separation to unity.
Unity is synonymous with cooperation. Man is innately cooperative, yet is free to express such cooperation -- or not. At his core level, man does not identify with the surface differences between a people, nor does he fear lack or wish ill on another. These are all manifestations of separation. If man assumes his rightful self, his unity consciousness, all the negative ramifications of separation will disappear and we will live as One. It's really that simple.
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