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Angela Courtney
2012 is trumpeted by the doom mongers as the year where we can expect the end of the world! Remember all the predictions around the year 2000 and how we were to expect a global meltdown as computers struggled with changing millennia. I was left feeling almost let down by how smoothly the clock ticked on through midnight whilst grateful for e mail arriving on January 1st.
Now spirituality has a bad reputation with some and maybe with good reason and this is to some extent inevitable when God refuses to show up in a test tube. However as Quantum Physics is now demonstrating thought affects matter. If this were not true why does science insist on double blind experiments and why does the placebo work so well in medicine? It is because of the power of the mind. This emerging idea is I believe at the heart of the 2012 revolution.
There is much talk of the Laws of Attraction which is nothing to do with speed dating but I believe is an idea whose time has come. This is where we learn how to consciously create our own reality and it is that change that is predicted in ancient times that will be blossoming in 2012. We have always been creating or allowing our own reality but now we are going to learn to do so consciously. We will demonstrate to ourselves that our success is not down to luck or circumstance as we learn to consciously craft a life from our thoughts, feelings beliefs and attitudes.
When I heard this 20 years ago I was as excited as a banker with a bonus and proving it to myself on a deeper and deeper level has been my mission. It’s an idea you have to prove to yourself- become your own experimental scientist because reading it will not do! Observe what you are thinking when things happen in your life. It will usually be easier to spot the connection between your thoughts and your reality when things go wrong as we tend to give a lot more attention to the negative for survival reasons.
So that’s it in a nut shell, some people hate the idea, even some people in the New Age business hate it and want to make all kinds of caveats and exclusion clauses, not me. It is better to accept responsibility for my life than to continue to live with the errant beliefs and ideas that were hatched as a child and that are at the heart of all the trouble in my life. Change our thoughts and we change our world.
I think we all get the idea that real change is afoot in the world and eventually the chaos will I believe bring a loving outcome that will be something to celebrate and is certainly something to ponder as this year unfolds. A Happy New Age to you all.
Angela is the organiser of the MBS Network – see advert or website for details
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